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Guidance Cards - A Description



Refine your true nature through the knowing of children and the knowing within.
Creating space for children  -  Creates space for yourself
Giving time to children  -  Gives time to yourself
Believing in a child's inner guidance - Allows you to believe in yourself
Know yourself, be true to yourself and trust in the unfolding.


Early on as I looked inward I opened up to an energy that carried with it a new way of seeing things for myself. I especially saw my two children differently, they were under the age of 7.

This new way is the understanding that we all have our own "energetic" internal guidance system at our core.  Children need to remain self-aware and core-focused.  They need to remain connected, in a balanced way, to their own core within to live happy, healthy and meaningful lives and to fulfill their destiny or potential (as do the adults in their lives).  The desire to share my own personal discovery that could be the most easily understood and applied in daily life brought about the creation of these guidance cards.

In particular these cards always point you in the direction of your core within in order to help root out thought and behavioral patterns that are no longer serving you. In the process you are able to open up, clear and deepen your inner core to allow for the  healthy and balanced flow of life force energy along with increased true clarity.

The cards also empower you to open your heart to an enhanced approach when "seeing" yourself and others.  The Core-Focused Renewal System which includes the three additional tools:   The Back to the Basics Guide to Energy Awareness, The Back to the Basics Workbook for Energy Renewal & The Back to the Basics Workbook for Core-Creating,  is designed as an added supportive process for conscious energy balancing, core-focused renewal and core-creativity and manifestation.

I have embraced this  "knowing"/understanding and continue to "tune in" and support  my own inner guidance system, as well as, the inner guidance systems of others. I have become aware that it is much easier to support a child's balanced internal guidance system from the beginning than it is to observe a child struggle, a teenager rebell or an adult suffer!

The beautiful and creative pictures that you see on every card were drawn by three children throughout their childhood from one very generous family in North Vancouver. I thank them so very much.

One Way to begin.  Creating space for yourself and others:

  • Sit quietly and take some slow deep breaths.  This helps you to connect with your senses or energy body or core within and brings more self- awareness into all situations.


  • Gently shuffle the deck and ask Source energy (above and below and surrounding) in your own words for a message that you could use in the present moment for your highest good.


  • Draw a card and interpret the message, learning to respond rather than react to any situation.

Rember as energy patterns come up for you or surface regarding an issue, see this as a positive and focus on clearing this "heavy" energy from your system.  Try not to judge the feelings that may arise, but rather focus on owning them, dissipating/clearing them and letting them go with appreciation and acceptance. In turn invite a higher vibrational energy filled with new insights  to fill this newly created space.  A higher level of consciousness, true clarity and action will begin to take shape. 

  • Focus on your energy body or subtle body and breathe into any shift that you have just created with appreciation and acceptance.

Remember that self-awareness/core-consciousness or a conscious awareness of your energy body inside and out is your natural state so it will only get smoother and easier to develop an understanding and creating strong connections. Enjoy. As you continue to tune inward and notice the connections and interconnections that abound you will begin to see and feel some great results.

As you develop the pattern of turning your focus inward it is useful to engage the entire Core-Focused Renewal System.  I also recommend playing The Core Perspective - Game of Substance and reading The Core Perspective - A Still Point Of View.

The goal of the game is to open the door to core consciousness in a fun and interesting way.  I also recommend undertaking The 30 Day Inner Alignment (I.A.) Challenge if you wish to accelerate the experience of energy renewal and its effects.  These supportive products and more may be found in Mainstream Gold's Inner Beauty Shop.


Yours truly,

Sandra Zaruba, B. Comm., C.I.E.H.


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