MainStreamGold FAQ

Core-Focused Renewal
Say YES to a Strong Sense of Self


Know yourself, believe in yourself, be true to yourself...

These expressions are often used to uplift and to empower, but have you ever considered who self truly is, or what self truly means? The self can be seen as a person’s essential being, soul, energy body or true essence. The self is especially considered as the object of introspection (the act of looking within oneself). 

Experience your core within where life force energy and Divine wisdom flows abundantly and with ease, more specifically known as the gold within. Deepening self-awareness or core consciousness is a natural process and creates the foundation for health and well-being, growth and expansion and for being love. This foundation within sets the tone for energy renewal, depth perception and for growing into a person of substance (the infinite aspect of the core; substantial or solid character or quality). 

Energy balancing is a key to renewal. Consistently seek and refine balance within at ever deepening levels. Dissipating patterns of thought and behavior that arise, no longer serve, are creating blocks and hindering a full connection to the self is another key. As we focus on engaging these keys to renewal we are able to uplift and empower ourselves on an ongoing basis no matter our circumstances.

In order that being love becomes an integral part of everyday life it is best to begin at an early age. Luckily being love is an innate quality known to us and need only be called forth in order to express its radiance. To have and to hold this radiance and to amplify its effects takes a conscious and consistent commitment to self-awareness and self-care.

The body, mind and soul must be in sync and in a state of renewal in order that we may experience oneness and all of the beauty and power that this entails.  This can not be bought, sold or exchanged it must come from within.


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