MainStreamGold FAQ

The Core Perspective - To stay in this place within


To stay in this place within...

Have you ever considered what all great wisdom teachings have in common? That we are conscious of how we are feeling in the present moment. When our focus is turned inward and to feelings of goodness we are engaging the process and the experience of aligning to our core within. It is from this deep place within where we are able to truly thrive. When we focus on feelings of goodness we become more as a result not less. The more we focus on these feelings, the more fun we have, the more we grow and the better everything gets ... inside and out!

The Core-Perspective - Game of Substance offers an opportunity to directly experience how 29 solid core values can expand the space within where we feel goodness more often and with more ease. The Core-Focused Renewal System takes this experience into everyday life using these same 29 solid core values.

I hear and I forget. I see and I remember.
I do and I understand. -Chinese proverb

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