MainStreamGold FAQ

What if I am carrying an old/ dense pattern that feels impossible to overcome. How do I shift the energy if it becomes overwhelming, even if I am using the tools? Sometimes I feel like I'm spiraling downward rather than up. Does it sometimes get worse before it gets better?


Firstly, old/dense patterns are often that hardest to see clearly and to overcome or dissipate.  The key is to never give up.  When the pattern comes up to test you try to use your clarity about what core values to amplify instead of falling into the pattern.  For example do you need courage, perseverance, insightfulness or openness to dissipate this pattern and clear this block?  As you tune into these values don't forget to breathe deeply.  I also recommend turning to the guide and read the other qualities of the particular energy sphere that these core values are pointing to.  The key is to not give this pattern any energy.  Hold onto the knowing that continued practice of this approach will slowly but surely dissipate this pattern and clear the block.  This will open up more space for a renewed flow of energy.  The energy of the core.  And yes, sometimes it does feel like it is getting worse before it gets better.  Patterns want to make sure that they are not needed anymore.  They too have a life especially if they have been used for a long time.  The other quote to think about is "it is always darkest before the dawn".  Good luck and let me know if you need more clarity.  Clearing blocks is always worth any effort!

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