MainStreamGold FAQ

Industrial Hemp-More Than A Square Meal Bar


42 grams of Hemp Hearts, the major component of Half of one bar contains:

240 calories of energy from 15 g protein, 15 g polyunsaturated fats (11.4 g omega 6 and 3.6 g omega 3), 2.7 g mono-unsaturated fats (omega 9), 2.1 g saturated fats, 4.5 carbohydrates including 2.5 g fiber, 2 mg iron, 31 mg calcium, 3.8 mg sodium, 3.8 mg vitamin E, 956 IU VITAMIN D, .42 MG VITAMIN C, .05 MG VITAMIN B6, .14 MG VITAMIN B2, .58 MG VITAMIN B1, 1.68 IU VITAMIN A. The dark chocolate in half of one bar contains 9 g of sugar, usually insignificant in comparison with the quantities of protein, essential fats and other valuable nutrients present.

Each bar, replacing many servings of ordinary foods, is composed of 8 tablespoons (84g) of Hemp Hearts bonded together with a minimal amount of bittersweet chocolate (42g) and topped generously with one of many choices of whole nuts or partially dried fruit (74g) - only three whole foods.

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